"When a painting speaks to me, asking me to change it up, I find one of the easiest ways to change it up is to just try new materials."
In this episode of Living A Creative Life, we speak with artist Justin Ogilvie.
Justin Ogilvie has actively taught and exhibited within numerous public and private institutions. His painting practice informs his teaching philosophy, which brings together traditional and contemporary approaches, focusing on technical skills in realism, creative experimentation, and conceptual development.
In today's episode, we'll dive into Justin's practice and perspectives on how to set goals for his art practice and achieve growth through the exploration of new art materials.

We'd like to thank Justin Ogilvie, Mara Goncharova, and the Canvas Method production team for making this episode possible.
To see more of Justin Ogilvie's work, visit his website: justinogilvie.com, his profile at Canvas Method, and his Instagram at @Justin_Ogilvie
Creative Exploration
This video is part of our theme of Creative Exploration.
With the dawn of a new year, it’s a perfect time to take a moment in life to pause; to listen to what is happening both with the outside world, as well as our inner world, so that we can realign with ourselves and become more in rhythm in our world.
A moment to look at what our place is in our community. How can I create and have an impact on my life? The lives of others? How do we bring focus to what is important?
Looking to get experimenting like Justin Ogilvie?
Art Materials For Creative Explorations
Supplies For New Adventures
Challenge yourself – imagine the new art journeys you'll embark on. Evolve your skills and techniques with fresh, ambitious art supplies, and reach for that next level!

Affordable Supplies For Exploration
Explore in art with affordable art supplies that will support you in your day-to-day ventures. Nothing in this guide is so expensive it becomes "too precious" to use to the last drop for your prolific experiments.