Custom Canvas

Did you know that Opus offers custom-made stretched canvas?

We have triple-primed canvas and heavy duty bars available with this unique service for fine artists.

An excellent alternative when you need more control over your canvas specifications, but your studio space or your time is limited.

Get Started with Custom Canvas

All you have to do is choose the size, and we do the work. Then you can sit back and plan your finished project. It's our way of helping your creative process stay where it belongs!

We can also build just the base stretcher frame on its own — so you can stretch whatever material you choose. Perfect for Gicleé, or for when you want some control over your process, without the fuss of building the frame.

We also stock a full range of accessories and painting grounds. Just ask our staff for assistance or product information on any of our canvas products and services.

In the Vancouver, B.C. area call us at 604-435-9991, Ext. 1 or call toll-free in Canada at 1-800-663-6953.

Reach us by email at