Sand dune landscapes and bright fresh skies are predestined for watercolour painting. In this step-by-step guide, watercolour artist Wiebke Meier creates a sand dune theme with Schmincke AQUA DROP colours.
Supplies Used
Schmincke Aqua Drop
These colours are highly lightfast, ready-to-use and water-thinnable.Aqua Drop is ideal for watercolour painting, urban sketching, calligraphy, hand-lettering, and even airbrush.
We used these colours:
- Indian yellow
- Amethyst violet
- Indigo blue
- Cyan blue
- Olive gree
Step 1
Before I start painting the picture I first cover up the paper edges with tape. This way I have an even frame at the end.

Step 2
Let’s go! I start by drawing a light sketch with the pencil. Then I apply the blue coloured masking pen to the light grasses – you can do more if you want.

Step 3
Now I accentuate the sky: For this I moisten the sky surface completely with the Hake Brush and apply diluted amethyst violet very strongly.

Step 4
When the paint is dry, I wet the sky again completely with the Hake Brush and paint it wet-on-wet with purple, cyan blue and indigo. For this I dilute the colours very much and let the excess water run off over the corner. The surplus water can be picked up with a paper tissue. With a crumpled tissue I dab onto the wet surface of the sky to make it look like there are some clouds. Let it dry completely afterwards!

Step 5
I used the colours violet, cyan blue and Indian yellow to mix a sand tone. Now I moisten the lower part of the painting, the dune area, with the Hake Brush and apply the just mixed sand colour quickly. Thereby the dunes can be modelled as desired by yourself. Some bright spots can be wiped out with a paper towel.

Step 6
I also paint the grasses wet-on-wet with the three colours olive green, Indian yellow and indigo blue. For the grasses in the foreground I use the Vario-Tip brush and for finer grasses I use the liner. Depending on what you want, you can scratch some light spots out of the wet paint with a plastic card.

Step 7
Time for some shadows: I paint darker sand areas with another coat of the mixed sand tone. I used the colours violet, cyan blue and a little Indian yellow to mix a new tone: shadow colour. I apply it to the corresponding areas with a round brush. Thereby I pull the paint up into the shady area ofthe grasses and pull it out with the tip of the brush. By applying cyan blue to the wet shadow areas, I try to make it look more lively. Leave it to let it dry again.

Step 8
Now some details! I create the sand structure in the foreground by splashing the shadow colour with a toothbrush. With the cutter I scrape outsome spots in the grass. Don’t forget to remove the masking pen: by carefully rubbing with the index finger it comes off very easily.

Step 9
Now the only thing that is still missing is your signature and then you’re done with the dunes painting!