Finding the balance with colour!
In this article from our friends at Allspraypainted, we see German artist Carolin Kaiser create a custom designed balance board using Montana GOLD spray cans.
Carolin decorated a HORST Balance Board for her project, however the same techniques and materials can be used for surfaces like a blank skateboard deck or wood panel.
The artist & the tools
German artist and previous allspraypainted Meets guest, Carolin Kaiser is an 80s girl that knows how to lay down colour.
Without any restrictions or requirements, Kaiser quickly chose her tools for the job with:
- an interesting selection of eye-popping Montana GOLD can colours
- Universal PRIMER
- Montana VARNISH
- a bit of Montana ACRYLIC Paint Refill in black.

[Opus Editor's note: Acrylic Gesso will work in place of Montana Universal PRIMER, and most fluid acrylic paints will work in place of Montana ACRYLIC Paint Refill.]

Getting The Project Started
As soon as she set to work it was again clear to us that Carolin knows exactly what to do and when to do it.
Beginning with masked-off areas and precisely cut edges, the primed white balance board soon began to take on a life of its own.
A roughly applied black brush stroke with a dry brush quickly became two.

Spraying with Montana GOLD Spray Cans

A perfect balance of coverage and scumbling, Carolin added further layers of Montana GOLD colour in all its thickness and richness.

[Opus Editor's note: Make sure to fully mask off any sections you don't want spray paint on! Check out how thoroughly Carolin covered her board.]
The finished product!
Kaiser displays an informed ability for the juxtaposition of solid colour and the human touch.
The project was further highlighted by her choice of bright yellow for the board’s base and Montana VARNISH Semi-Gloss to seal and complete the finish of the project.

It brings us to a difficult point where the decision has to be made: do we use the board for balance training as it was designed, or does it become the ultimate sculpture or artwork for the home?
This is not a question we can answer for you but it is definitely a nice problem to have!
To see more of Carolin's process, watch the video on Instagram below!