It's been half a month since the launch of the "Opus Daily Practice" challenge, and we're proud to announce that it has been a resounding success. Fellow artists have taken up the challenge to improve their craft by dedicating time to nurture their creative practice each day. As we approach the midway point, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate and highlight a few of the amazing artworks that have come out of this community.
One of the most inspiring aspects of the "Opus Daily Practice" challenge is seeing how "practicing" can mean different things to different people. For some, it means spending an hour each day working on a new piece of art, while for others it means taking time to experiment and play with new techniques. Regardless of the approach, the results have been stunning, and we're so proud to be a part of this community of artists.
So, without further ado, let's take a look at five amazing artists who have taken the Opus Daily Practice challenge to heart and are now reaping the rewards of their hard work and dedication.
Linda Lewis | Day 1: Wonder
"Today is the first day of the Opus Daily Practice Challenge. The prompt was Wonder. This year I decided to try something a bit different to acknowledge the wonderful online Opus demos and the artists that taught them. Today is Amber Lomax who did a great class on watercolor and mixed media. This was made with prints of my early art and a photo of me at 16 when I was just starting my art journey on a watercolor background. It was a bit of a wonder going back through my old portfolio."

Charlene Happy | Day 5: Contrast
"Todays #opusdailypractice prompt was Contrast. I used crumpled up paper as my tool. I thought a simple motif against the soft gouache colours I chose represented this well. This photo of @hextian inspired me in so many ways. I just love their approach to glamour and over the top luxury. Materials used: @fabercastellglobal #polychromospencils with @danielsmithartistsmaterials Extra Fine Gouche."

Nina Koba | Day 6: Balance
"My balance is my mother,
She nurtures the light and the dark.
The yin and the yang, they must coexist,
For without one, the other falls apart.
The light brings warmth and clarity,
Guiding me through the day.
But the dark brings mystery and depth,
Helping me to find my way.
Together, they form a harmony,
A delicate dance in my heart.
My balance is my mother,
A symbol of balance, from the start.
She helps me navigate life's ups and downs,
Teaching me to find my peace.
For in the balance of light and dark,
There lies the essence of release."

Kathleen Garber | Day 7: Emotion
"Day 7 of #opusdailypractice is. “Emotion.” I’ve had a bit of a difficult couple of weeks, and it has been difficult to keep a handle on my emotions some of the time. Sometimes I feel as though they might consume me like a fire. Thank you @opusartsupplies for hosting."

Mukulikaa Anada | Day 10: Fantastical
"#OpusDailyPractice Day 10: Fantastical. My piece is of "The House of Baba Yaga". I heard this fantastical folklore as a youth and was inspired to share the tale for today's prompt. Baba Yaga, an ogress of death and regeneration, lives in a home with 3 sisters that is built on top of bird legs. The lights are bright in order for her to see children coming. She can help, or hinder, those who come too near. If anyone hunts the ogress and gets too close, she gives a command and the bird legs run her and her home to safety elsewhere in the woods."

We are so proud of all of the participating artists and the incredible practice they have been doing this February. Each artist whose posts have been shared in this highlight article will receive a $50 Opus Gift Card, which they can use to purchase supplies or art materials.
Inspired? If you haven't started sharing your practice, there's still time! Find out how to join the #opusdailypractice challenge here, and enter your practice posts for your chance to have your artwork featured in an Opus article (and to WIN your own $50 Opus Gift Card, too!)
Join us for the #opusdailypractice challenge and see where your daily practice can take your art!