Originating in India, the Mandala is an ancient art form that uses a graphic medium to achieve a state of meditation and concentration. You don’t need to be good at drawing to produce a beautiful mandala – you just need a little patience and precision.
Making the Mandala:
1. Using a pencil, lightly draw a large square in the centre of the drawing paper. This will provide a framework for creating symmetrical lines and will be rubbed out later.
2. Starting from the centre of the square, draw a circle the same diameter as the square with a compass. Then trace two other circles with the same centre, using different diameters smaller than the first circle.

3. Using the square, separate the circles into eight equal parts with light pencil lines. These lines will act as reference points for organizing the space inside the mandala symmetrically. They will be rubbed out when the mandala is finished.

4. The structure of the mandala is now ready to receive any symbolic or abstract shapes your imagination produces.
*The aim of the exercise is to always preserve balance, symmetry and harmony within your creation.

5. When you have finished marking out the shape of the mandala, rub out the lines that are no longer needed and colour it in with POSCA markers.

Article Source: POSCA