Chronicle Books
Little Letters to Say Hello
- Coquitlam (0 available)
- Downtown Vancouver (0 available)
- Granville Island (0 available)
- Kelowna (1 available)
- Langley (0 available)
- North Vancouver (0 available)
- Victoria (1 available)
(Letters to Open When, Thinking of You Letters, Long Distance Family Letters)
Keep It Short and Sweet.
Little Letters to Say Hello is quick and easy: write a little message, fold, seal, and deliver!
Included are 75 little letters that fold into adorably small envelopes, perfect for:
• Inviting people to coffee
• Breaking the ice
• Packing in school lunches
Seal letters with the 75 stickers included before before handing this little letter to its recipient and putting a smile on their face!
Lea Redmond crafts objects, writes books, and plays with ideas in her studio in Oakland, California. She is the author of the Letters series, PAINT CHIP POETRY, CONVERSATION DICE, WORLD'S SMALLEST POST SERVICE, CONNEXIO, MY MUSEUM: A JOURNAL FOR SKETCHING AND COLLECTING, LUCKY YOU!, and TANDEM ACTIVITY BOOK. Participate in creative projects and keep in touch with Lea at