Gamblin Artists Colors

Gamblin Galkyd Lite Mediums

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Gamblin Galkyd Lite Mediums
Gamblin Galkyd Lite Mediums
Gamblin Galkyd Lite Mediums
Gamblin Galkyd Lite Mediums
Gamblin Galkyd Lite Mediums
Gamblin Galkyd Lite Mediums

Gamblin Artists Colors

Gamblin Galkyd Lite Mediums

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Available For Delivery: (3 available)
In-Store Availability:
  • Coquitlam (3 available)
  • Downtown Vancouver (3 available)
  • Granville Island (3 available)
  • Kelowna (3 available)
  • Langley (2 available)
  • North Vancouver (3 available)
  • Victoria (2 available)

Gamblin Galkyd Lite Medium is a good all-around painting medium; not only does it perform well on its own, it can also be easily adjusted to suit. It is an alkyd resin with low viscosity and medium cohesion, making it an excellent medium for thinning oil paints. It is fast drying, which makes it perfect for saving time in layering glazes.

Galkyd Lite, mixed with oil paint, forms a strong, flexible, and non-yellowing film that will last for a long time. It is similar in viscosity to the classic oil medium recipe of ⅓ part linseed oil to ⅓ part turpentine and ⅓ part dammar varnish. To increase its "slip", add a bit of oil; to decrease its sticky feeling, add a bit of solvent. It is even possible to slow its drying time by adding poppy oil.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Francis T.
Good for oil gilding too.

I only use standard Galkyd for painting - but as an oil gilding size Galkyd Light works splendidly. A thin brushed-out coat has excellent tack and although any "blobs" will lift when wet, Galkyd Light is a very good size for imitation leaf.

Gamblin Galkyd lite Medium

I have used this product for many years. Excellent for building up glazes providing a strong flexible surface.

Arran S.

I use Gamblin’s Alkyd lite as a medium and fast drying glaze in oil painting. The only problem with it, is that it dries in the pot too quickly and the whole amount turns to a thick gel within two days—which is wasteful…. When I add some walnut oil to slow down the thickening, it’s better but still thickens and hardens within m 2-3 days. In the other hand, if I use walnut oil separately, it takes way too long to dry on the canvas. I’ll continue using Galkyd because it gives smoothness and extends the paint and provides a nice translucency to the finished art, but putting smaller amounts in the dipping pot, reduces waste.