Winsor & Newton
Winsor & Newton Artists' Oil Colours - Brown or Green
Select from 129 coloursTrusted artist-quality oil colour with rich and vibrant colours.
Using a unique colour matching technology, Winsor & Newton Artists' Oil Colours give you consistent mixing results, thus achieving the highest possible tinting strength when the colours are reduced with Titanium or Zinc White.
These thick oil paints hold excellent peaks and textures, making them perfect for any oil painter.
We are excited to feature Winsor & Newton Artists' Oil Colours, specifically their cadmium-free colours, in our Eco-Conscious Art Materials Collection at Opus Art Supplies. This innovative product offers a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional oil colours.
- Cadmium-free colors: Winsor & Newton Artists' Oil Colours offer a selection of cadmium-free colors, which are made without the use of this harmful material that is toxic to humans and the environment.
- Sustainable manufacturing: Winsor & Newton is committed to reducing its environmental impact and has implemented several sustainability initiatives across its manufacturing process, including reducing water usage and waste, and using renewable energy sources.
Find more eco-conscious art materials in the eco-conscious collection available at Opus.