Trying the other watercolor papers than Arches, I have chosen to paint on Arches . Now it is for 30 years that I paint on Arches. It is 100 % rug and the sizing is internal. Due to this quality paint penatrates through the fiber of the paper and enables the other layers of paint be applied on top of the first wash without the first glaze comes up and as a result creats mess and ugly marks. In texture painting this paper is owesome as the surface of the paper never tears . My only problem with this paper is when I cut the sheet of paper into two; it goes two long and undesirable. So I just use it when I am after a full sheet or a quarter sheet. In case of needing the half sheet I use Arches pads instead of sheets. order not to end up with buckels,in using the full sheet of the paper, I wet the paper and stretch it ,then staple around.In using half sheet and a quarter sheet I just tape down the paper on a supporting board by colorless art masking tape (not office masking tape).