Opus Resource Library
Growing Through Creative Wonder with Paige Bowman
Opus Resource Library

Paige Bowman is an illustrator who is constantly inspired by the natural world. Their childhood growing up on the west coast enriched their upbringing with a passion for wildlife and the aesthetic of flora and fauna. It was a period of personal upheaval and artistic disillusionment in 2018, which opened up a new world of experimentation, colour and creative expression. 

Although they struggled through the pandemic, Paige’s wheels have kicked up again and they share their passion for fostering creativity. 

This video is part of our I Wonder... series.

As the world continues to work through the challenges that the last few years have brought and we navigate the complexities from the COVID hangover, it’s easy to feel personally besieged and in a state of chaos. How can we settle the noise down and come back to what is important? What do we want to make of 2023 as individuals? As artists? With all that is going on in the world around us, taking the time to consider these questions, to make our plans, and to get back into a routine, can bring a great deal of comfort and a sense of purpose.

With the input of Celan Bouillet, Cody Lecoy and Paige Bowman, in this month’s podcast, our new artist videos and Artist Talks, we delve deep to reflect on our current creative practice. 

How have we gotten here and where are we going? How do we continue to evolve and develop, especially given the challenges we face, emerging from a global pandemic and given our rapidly changing and uncertain world? What impact do we want to have and how will we achieve this?