Illustration Techniques with Jennifer Davies


$8.00 per person


1h 30min

About This Experience

Join illustrator Jennifer Davies for a live in-store event at OPUS's Victoria location and experience Sakura art supplies firsthand! You'll learn techniques related to studio illustration, field sketching, comic production, and more. Prepare for a morning of fun and artistic discovery. 

This event will have a try-it station available!  On the event day, participants can explore a selection of event-related materials and gain hands-on experience after the artist's presentation; reserve your seat today!


Sakura Koi Watercolour Field Set 

Sakura Sumo Grip Eraser

Sakura Gelly Rolls Pens

Sakura Pigma Micron Pens

Watercolour Paper 

Graphite Pencil


About Your Host

Host image

Jennifer Davies is an illustrator and artist local to Vancouver Island. With a particular focus on the intersection between the natural world and the human experience, her work often combines elements of realism into an illustrative world.

Instagram: @jaybirdmorgan